The German Verb “Stellen” with 16 Prefixes

In German, prefixes change the meaning of verbs in many ways. The verb “stellen” is a great example. When combined with different prefixes, it can express a range of ideas, from placing something to imagining possibilities. In this article, we’ll look at 16 prefixes that go with “stellen” and how each one changes its meaning.

16 Prefixes Used with “Stellen”

Let’s explore how prefixes change the meaning of stellen to create versatile and idiomatic expressions:

1) abstellen (to turn off, to park)

This verb is used when shutting off utilities like water or gas, turning off machines/devices or parking vehicles.

Kannst du bitte das Wasser/das Gas abstellen? → Can you turn off the water/the gas?

Die Maschine wurde abgestellt. → The machine was turned off.

Ich habe das Auto vor dem Haus abgestellt. → I parked the car in front of the house.

2) anstellen (to turn on, to hire, to queue up, to try, to cause trouble, to figure out)

“Anstellen” can mean various things in German, such as turning something on, hiring someone, queuing up, trying something, causing trouble, or figuring out how to start something.

Er hat die Kaffeemaschine angestellt. → He turned on the coffee machine.

Die Firma hat drei neue Mitarbeiter angestellt. → The company hired three new employees.

Wir müssen uns anstellen, um Tickets zu bekommen. → We need to queue up to get tickets.

Der Arzt hat alles Mögliche angestellt, um ihr zu helfen. → The doctor tried everything possible to help her.

Was hast du da wieder angestellt? → What have you done this time?

Die Chefin will den Bericht am Montagmorgen haben. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das anstellen soll. → The boss wants the report by Monday morning. I don’t know how I’m going to manage that.

3) aufstellen (to set up, to erect)

This refers to assembling or setting something upright.

Wir haben das Zelt im Garten aufgestellt. → We set up the tent in the garden.

4) ausstellen (to exhibit, to issue)

Commonly used for displaying items or issuing documents.

Das Museum stellt alte Gemälde aus. → The museum is exhibiting old paintings.

Die Behörde hat meinen Reisepass ausgestellt. → The authority issued my passport.

5) darstellen (to represent, to portray, to appear, to prove)

Indicates representation or depiction.

Dieses Bild stellt eine ländliche Szene dar. → This picture represents a rural scene.

Diese Entscheidung stellt einen Wendepunkt in seiner Karriere dar. → This decision represents a turning point in his career.

Der Autor stellt die Beziehung zwischen den Charakteren sehr anschaulich dar. → The author portrays the relationship between the characters very vividly.

Die Situation stellt sich komplizierter dar, als wir dachten. The situation appears more complicated than we thought.

Das Unternehmen hat sich als zuverlässiger Partner dargestellt. → The company has proven itself to be a reliable partner.

6) einstellen (to stop, to hire, to adjust)

Refers to ceasing an activity, employing someone, or adjusting equipment.

Der Betrieb wurde vor einem Jahr eingestellt. → The operation was stopped a year ago.

Die Firma stellt neue Ingenieure ein. → The company is hiring new engineers.

Kannst du den Fokus der Kamera einstellen? → Can you adjust the focus of the camera?

7) entstellen (to disfigure, to distort)

Used to describe physical or metaphorical distortion.

Das Gesicht war durch den Unfall entstellt. → The face was disfigured by the accident.

8) feststellen (to determine, to ascertain, to notice/recognize, to adjust/lock)

Means to identify or confirm something. It can also be used in the context of adjusting or locking a device.

Wir haben festgestellt, dass die Daten korrekt sind. → We determined that the data is correct.

Er konnte schnell feststellen, dass das Dokument nicht mehr da war. → He was able to quickly ascertain that the document was no longer there.

Er stellte eine Veränderung in ihrem Verhalten fest. → He noticed a change in her behavior.

Als sie den Raum betrat, stellte sie fest, dass alle ihre Freunde schon da waren. → When she entered the room, she noticed that all her friends were already there.

Die Armlehne des Drehstuhls hat sie auf die gewünschte Höhe festgestellt. → She adjusted the armrest of the swivel chair to the desired height.

9) gegenüberstellen (to contrast, to confront)

Refers to comparing or juxtaposing things.

Die beiden Theorien wurden in der Diskussion gegenübergestellt. → The two theories were contrasted in the discussion.

Die Vor- und Nachteile wurden in der Besprechung gegenübergestellt. → The pros and cons were contrasted in the meeting.

In der Debatte wurden die verschiedenen Argumente gegenübergestellt. → The different arguments were contrasted in the debate.

10) herstellen (to produce, to manufacture)

A common verb in manufacturing or creating something.

Diese Firma stellt hochwertige Möbel her. → This company produces high-quality furniture.

11) sich hinstellen (to position oneself, to claim)

Indicates standing somewhere or asserting something about oneself.

Stell dich bitte hierhin für das Foto! → Stand here for the photo, please.

Er stellt sich hin, als ob er alles wüsste. → He acts as if he knows everything.

12) sicherstellen (to ensure, to confiscate)

Refers to making sure of something or seizing property.

Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass alle Dokumente vollständig sind. → We need to ensure all documents are complete.

Die Polizei hat das gestohlene Fahrzeug sichergestellt. → The police confiscated the stolen vehicle.

13) unterstellen (to store, to insinuate)

It can mean storing something or accusing someone of something.

Wir können die Fahrräder in der Garage unterstellen. → We can store the bikes in the garage.

Willst du mir unterstellen, dass ich lüge? → Are you insinuating that I am lying?

14) verstellen (to adjust, to block)

Refers to changing the position of something or obstructing access.

Ich habe den Stuhl verstellt, damit ich mehr Platz habe. → I adjusted the chair to have more space.

Die Möbel verstellen den Durchgang. → The furniture blocks the passage.

15) vorstellen (to introduce, to imagine)

Used for introducing people or imagining scenarios.

Darf ich Ihnen meinen Kollegen vorstellen? → May I introduce you to my colleague?

Kannst du dir vorstellen, in einem anderen Land zu leben? → Can you imagine living in another country?

16) zurückstellen (to put back, to move further back)

Indicates delaying an action or returning something to its place.

Bitte stellen Sie das Buch ins Regal zurück. → Please put the book back on the shelf.

Wir können den Tisch noch einen Meter weiter zurückstellen. → We can move the table one meter further back.

Why Learn Verbs Like “stellen”?

Understanding how prefixes change the meaning of root verbs like stellen equips learners with a practical tool to quickly expand their vocabulary and understand the subtleties of German. These verbs are commonly used in formal and casual contexts, so you will encounter them sooner or later.

By mastering these stellen-based verbs, you’ll improve your German and gain deeper insights into how the language works.

Start integrating these verbs into your everyday practice, and you’ll soon see your German skills rise to new heights!

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