Stative Passive in German: Simple Explanations and Examples

Let’s delve into the stative passive (Zustandspassiv) in German. The stative passive describes the state that exists after an action has taken place. This differs from the processual passive (Vorgangspassiv), which focuses on the action or process itself.

What is the Processual Passive?

The processual passive is formed with the verb “werden.” It describes a process, something that happens over some time. Here are some examples:

PräsensDie Tür wird geschlossen. (The door is being closed.)
PräteritumIch wurde kritisiert. (I was criticized.)
PerfektEr ist nach Hause gebracht worden. (He was/has been brought home.)
PlusquamperfektWir waren überfallen worden. (We had been mugged/assaulted.)
FuturIhr werdet am Bahnhof abgeholt werden. (You guys will be picked up at the train station.)

These sentences emphasize the action itself.

What is the Stative Passive?

On the other hand, the stative passive describes the state that exists after an action has taken place. Forming the stative passive is quite simple: conjugate the verb “sein” (to be) and add the past participle (Partizip 2). The past participle is the same as in the perfect tense (Perfekt). Here are some examples:

PräsensDas Fenster ist geschlossen. (The window is closed.)
Die Wohnung ist aufgeräumt. (The apartment is tidy.)
Der Tisch ist gedeckt. (The table is set.)
PräteritumDas Badezimmer war abgeschlossen. (The bathroom was locked.)
Der Flug war storniert. (The flight was canceled.)
PerfektDas Fenster ist geschlossen gewesen. (The window was closed.)
Das Zimmer ist gestrichen gewesen. (The room was painted.)
PlusquamperfektDas Hemd war gebügelt gewesen. (The shirt had been ironed.)
Meine Nägel waren lackiert gewesen. (My nails had been painted.)
FuturDer Deutschunterricht wird beendet sein. (The German lesson will be finished.)
Das Auto wird repariert sein. (The car will be repaired.)

Difference Between Stative Passive and Processual Passive

Let’s delve into some concrete examples of the stative passive versus processual passive to enhance your comprehension.

Processual Passive:

  • Die Tür wird geöffnet. (The door is being opened.)
  • Die Tür wurde geöffnet. (The door was opened.)
  • Die Tür ist geöffnet worden. (The door was/has been opened.)
  • Die Tür war geöffnet worden. (The door had been opened.)
  • Die Tür wird geöffnet werden. (The door will be opened.)

Stative Passive:

  • Die Tür ist geöffnet. (The door is open.)
  • Die Tür war geöffnet. (The door was open.)
  • Die Tür ist geöffnet gewesen. (The door was open.)
  • Die Tür war geöffnet gewesen. (The door had been open.)
  • Die Tür wird geöffnet sein. (The door will be open.)

The stative passive also works with modal verbs:

Stative Passive with Modal Verbs:

  • Die Tür muss geschlossen sein. (The door must be closed.)
  • Das Fenster muss geöffnet sein. (The window must be open.)
  • Das Zimmer sollte aufgeräumt sein. (The room should be tidy.)
  • Die Küche dürfte noch nicht aufgeräumt sein. (The kitchen might not be tidy yet.)

Watch the video below for a more detailed explanation and additional examples of the differences between the stative and processual passive:


Now you know how to form and use the stative passive in German. If you want to practice, be sure to check out We have uploaded a worksheet for you at the B2 level. There are interactive exercises, and you can watch this video without ads.

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